About Me

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Nashville, Middle America, United States
Married, Kids, Grandkids

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Janie paints again

We've just come off of a three day weekend (four for me) spending each day getting ready for the Log Home Tour, a scant four days from now. Jane keeps coming up with more things to do, on top of the all ready long list of things to finish. I cleaned the screen porch, cut grass, fixed fence, split wood and more. Janie cleaned, arranged, modified, painted and decorated. One thing she painted was our mail box. she's wanted to paint it since we bought it. Here it is.

A close up view shows us, sitting at a camp fire amongst the trees.

I enjoy her ability to paint and am looking forward to a time when she can dedicate more time to it.

Two weekes ago, my sister and brother-in-law came to help with the flowerbed and to move the wood rack. They were a huge help and we were happy for the visit. JD did most of the heavy lifting while we held the rack from tipping.

The rack's finial resting place, behind the garage.

Mulch provides cover.

It's not a well established garden, but it's only our first year.

Ok, we're done with it. Janie has flowers and plants for other locations all arund the place. eg: in a coffee pot, an iron pot, baskets and an old Corned Beef box from Argentina.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A tree fell in the woods, ... and I heard it

Last time I said I’d have a finished picture of the bridge, here it is.

Not many days after, a storm passed through and brought down a large oak tree real close to the bridge. The tree’s roots turned up the dirt around it and looked like this.

The top of the oak tree hit our barn and bent down part of the metal roof.
Not very bad, but still, not the kind of mess we wanted, just a few days before
the Log Cabin Tour in June.

We, along with our brother-in-law set about cutting and cleaning the area.
It took a hour the day it happened, the whole next day and into the third a couple hours. I did most of the cutting while standing in the bucket of the JD, while Janie spend hours picking up branches, hauling them to the paddock to burn at some future date.

When we cut the trunk, it, and the dirt it was connected to flipped back to it’s
original position. (almost) It left a gapping hole to fill. We bought 3 tons of
dirt and to fill it in.

What a mess. Our place is easier to see from the road now. We don’t like it.