the house and wish for day light. It's dark by 5:30 now and the
hours we would spend outside doing things, or just watching
the pond, has given way to movies and a few inside projects.
Some folks like to bring in some green during the Winter.
Janie is one of them. She has hung and wrapped pine looking
deco under the shelves we have over our picture windows.

These little rusty stars are nice for the Christmas season.
Janie hung them with strips of cloth from the "rods" I cut
and secured at the top of the picture windows.

Here's the way she's finished it, with the tree branch, greenery
and stars all together. I like her country style.

DE lives in Califorina and is schooling in photography.
Last week she visited a ghost town named Calico and discovered
that the "Lanes" were a predoninant family in the town.
She is missed.

DC has taken to making jewelry and has had much success!
This piece below is one of her's. She makes earrings and every
sort of bangle. All pieces are made by hand, can you amagine
the hours it takes to put this together? She had an open-house
last week and sold lots of stuff. DC tends to take after her mother.

Oh, and Stetson says "Hay"

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