The onlyest accomplishment here on Mossy Point, that would not otherwise put you to sleep, is some progress on the barn. Currently, our loft is occupied by 7 cats, Miss Jerri Johnson and her kittens. We call her “Miss” because, if she is married, you couldn’t prove it. He’s not been around, does not help her in any way and must surly be an absent father. So Jerri has sole custody and has been getting by on the assistance we provide. At least she’s not a drain on the local economy. There are few things cuter than a loft full of kittens.
The barn has been sitting there for three years without the first door on it. We’re determined to have the loft closed in before Winter, and this was the first step in that direction. The track and all costs about $100 and we’re paying for everything in cash, (No credit in our lives) so one door at a time is fine. Please take note of my non OSHA compliant work platform.
I made it from left over poplar boards from the bridge. Just enough too. There are no battens on the door, but I did cut a lap joint in each to prevent weather from coming in.
The whole thing is 48” wide and 74” tall. It’s heavy. Too heavy for me to lift alone, and since I work mostly alone, the real feat was to get it up and into place within help.
Without help that is, but with my friend John Deere. It took a few steps but I got the thing up and leaning on the barn, and the wheels slide into the track. the rest involved a rope, the lawn mower and some grunting. Suffice it to say, I got the door installed without damage to either myself or the door. Next weekend, another loft door!
Looks good.