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Nashville, Middle America, United States
Married, Kids, Grandkids

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Boats on the water,................

In February we drove to Kentucky to look at this old boat
for sale on Craig's list.  The guy wanted $1,200 for it, we
offered $600 and settled at $650. 
I knew it needed work and all, but that's what we were looking for.
The floor was rotted out in places, wires hanging all over the place,
torn up seats and in general, very ugly!
It's a 1971 Glastron
It didn't occur to me early enough to take pictures of the boat as it was when
we first got it, but I started taking pictures of the progress in May.
We had driven through a snow storm from Kentucky and everything
about the boat was frozen.  Even the floor was frozen, giving the
impression that it wasn't in bad shape.  It was.
We installed a new plywood floor, covering the holes.
It's very solid now.  1/2" ply glued and screwed in place.
The boat when new didn't have this part, but I thought it
looked better with all that hidden behind a door,
creating an "aft" compartment.
Bad garage lighting, but this is the fiberglass drying over the new floor.
The side boards cleaned up nice!
The carpet went down fairly easy.  See the holes where a radio was. 
Maybe you do, but I don't go out on a lake to listen to music. 
The sound of the waves is music enough to me.
Carpet in the "glove" compartment covers a multitude of sins.
The white vinyl dashboards may end up becoming brown. 
I was trying to match the seats, but maybe brown would have looked better.
We bought new/used seats from a guy in Westfield at a great savings.
One of the last things we did was change the look of the bow,
by installing carpet over the red vinyl that was there. 
I have no way of telling if it was original or not.
The boat is 42 years old, so I'm sure it's had several
add-ons and fix-ups.
This is an odd angle, but shows the whole thing.
So, here's our sea trials on Lake Lemon.
Motor sounds good, ran good.

1 comment:

  1. You got your boat! If I could think of one place I'd rather be right now, it's on a boat. Have fun!
