A couple of times in the last month, I have been detoured on my way in to work.
I travel a dark winding and lonely road, the only way, and with few options for turn offs.
Last moth is was a house fire, and as I was finding my way to work I could smell see and smell the smoke a couple of miles away.
Yesterday morning I came upon another cop sideways in the road. Yesterday was moonless and out there where we live, a moonless night is a pitch black night. It was clear that I had to detour again and I figured it may be another house on fire.
The place where I was stopped didn't have an option that was known to me so I had to consult the map on my phone. I'm so glad I had a map because my truck was on empty, and fooling around trying to find a way into Bloomington may have caused my to run out of gas.
Long story short, it was a train derailment. Indiana 45 follows right along side of RxR tracks either to one side or the other the whole way to work. the derailment happened to be at a spot right next to the road.
I stopped in the afternoon for pictures but of course, didn't get right up in the middle of it.
So, this angle was all I could get.
I'd never seen a train wreck before this.
(A train wreck in the literal since)
These guys were fiddling with heavy equipment, flipping cars that had coal in them.
Tore it up pretty good.
I thought just briefly, perhaps I could use my son-in-laws name as leverage to gain a little access, since he now works for the RxR in Washington, but I thought better of it and refrained.
Not much of a story really, Just a train wreck.
I'm glad no one was hurt, and no personal property was lost.
Ok, what next?
WOW! Hopefully a first and last experience for you.