While on the job this morning, I saw a computer monitor with a screen displaying the following in bright colors:
My body, my choice
If you didn't already know, this is a reference to abortion.
I am aware that few people, if any, view this blog. Out of the few that happen to see this, there will be some who fuss about me posting this picture. To that I ask: What is better, to see a murdered baby, or to commit abortion yourself? Of course this is grotesque and I dare say that those who campaign FOR abortion are the first to complain about the exposure of it. If it's bad to see it, it's bad to do it.
So according to this simple minded widget above, trying to stop her from killing her baby is a "War on women". If this is war on women, why are only the baby dying?
By the way, this was a female baby. Does she look like a war victim? She should, because she was at war with her mother, ... and lost. Her mother paid a person to cut her head off.
Referred to as late term abortion, it works like this .............
Deliver the baby most of the way, then kill her by decapitation. It's human sacrifice in the name of convenience. We tend to think of human sacrifice as stone aged brutishness and not possible in these enlighten days. Not so, liberals embrace this with a shout of support!
My body, my choice she screams!!
But it's not her body that suffers, it's the baby's body she's paying to have killed. And isn't she classy? These classy ladies below are from Spain and they're protesting the need for free abortion rights.
Are these the ilk you want on your side?
It's the whole world.
There's only one who can change this. His name is Jesus. Address him today, He does not condemn, He forgives and will never mention it again.
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