About Me

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Nashville, Middle America, United States
Married, Kids, Grandkids

Sunday, August 22, 2010


August is almost over. Leaves are turning early this year.
I'm sure it's because of the lack of rain, but I'm not willing
for Summer to be over so soon. Our youngest son turned
24 Saturday. I don't know how they do it, kids getting
older while I stay 17.

I know this looks like a country music girl band, but it's
really a few of Janie's friends from good 'ol Creston High
in GR! GOOOOO Polar Bear!!

One came from Colorado, one from Ohio and the rest from
Michigan. All the ladies celebrated their X0th Birthday.

The ladies spent the day in town shopping.

We were asked to stand for a portrait in the garden area.

It was a nice visit and we were happy to have them stay
with us, "At the cabin".

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mill Lake

So in August, we went back to the lake in Michigan where
we honeymooned. Family was present as well. The cottage
belongs to a family member who was kind enough to allow
us a free stay for the week.

A rope swing had been added and was lots of fun.

SM over the water.

DS, not so much.

SD gettin' his swing on.

Four days and nights of very nice lake weather.

The boys.

The girls.

My girl.

DC attempted to resist the camera, ...... she failed.

Janie was unable to resist creating a miniture scene at the
base of this tree at the water's edge. (Real frog lives there)

Goodby Lake.