About Me

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Nashville, Middle America, United States
Married, Kids, Grandkids

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mill Lake 2013

So, each year we are blessed to be given a week at the family cottage on Lake Mill in Michigan.
It's now owned by Jane's cousin Scott and they have been very good to us.  The Lake is just North of Paw Paw.
This was the first time we brought our own boat to the lake.  I've written about it before.
We arrived on Sunday afternoon, it rained Monday!
Tuesday faired much better weather-wise, but some what cool.
SD did a bit of skiing Tuesday morning, he and DR tubed around the lake a little.
Then the motor crapped out on us and would NOT be fixed!
So it sat there floating about, mocking me.
I had planned to do it anyway, so I left the boat to laze about while
 I painted the trailer a color that more closely matched the boat.

Wednesday was nicer and Janie sat outside to paint a little picture.
This is her work.
This was her subject.  I like it, she's good at it.
Thursday we visited Meijers Gardens in Grand Rapids.

All type of plant life and an outside sculpture garden as well.

I don't get modern art, but .............
I did like this work in red by East Jordan Foundry.

This is a large horse.
A very large horse
This is what our cats see.

There was this kids play area showing the five great lakes around Michigan.
You put little boats in it and they all float down to Niagara Falls.

and this kids play area about bugs and such 

This guy on Lake Mill flies his plane in and out for the weekend.
Sunset on Friday.  Going home to fix the  boat motor.